Set up API server with Node.js + Express(ES6, Webpack, Flow, Jest, ESLint)

Ivan Jiang
5 min readOct 17, 2020

Implement API server with Node.js

Now , let’s build the API server with Node.js ( Express ). When implementing the front end with Vue.js or React.js , it is assumed that the API server front end will be implemented in the same repository , but in that case, Node.js will also follow the ES6 notation with Webpack. It will be ( not an image that becomes a notation).

const hoge = require(‘hoge’)

import hoge from ‘hoge’

First install Express and build a simple server

$ yarn add express

Then go to the root directory, app.js to create the edit as following.

// app.js
const express = require ('express');
const app = express ();

app.get ('/', function (req, res) {
res.send ({message:'hello world'});

app.listen (3000);

Directory configuration is as follows.

├── app.js
├── package.json
└── yarn.lock

node app.jsThen http://localhost: 3000 / should start.

" message ": " hello world "

:+1: Did you get “hello world ” in console? then, you are successful.

Make Node.js compatible with Webpack + ES6

In the current state, module import is different from React.js etc. ( import hoge from 'hoge'not const hoge = require('hoge')). In order to support flow , ESLint , and Jest , which are familiar with React.js, ES6 is supported by Webpack.

Webpack setup

$ yarn add -D babel-core babel-polyfill babel-preset-env babel-loader @ 7 webpack webpack-cli webpack-merge flow-babel-webpack-plugin webpack-node-externals$ yarn add -D babel-regenerator-runtime babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-2

Write a Webpack configuration file.

webpack.config.base.jsit is implemented as follows named.

const path = require ('path');
const nodeExternals = require ('webpack-node-externals');
const FlowBabelWebpackPlugin = require ('flow-babel-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
externals: [nodeExternals ()],
entry: ['babel-regenerator-runtime','./app.js'],
output: {
path: path.resolve (__ dirname,'../dist'),
resolve: {
modules: ['node_modules'],
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
use: [
options: {
plugins: ['transform-flow-strip-types'],
presets: ['flow','stage-2'],
// Exclude node_modules
exclude: / node_modules /,
plugins: [new FlowBabelWebpackPlugin ()],
node: {
__dirname: true,
watchOptions: {
ignored: ['node_modules'],
}; edit the following in named.

const merge = require ('webpack-merge');
const baseConfig = require ('./webpack.config.base');

const config = merge (baseConfig, {

module.exports = config;

.babelrc Create a file called, and edit the contents as follows.

" presets ": [ " es2015 ", " flow " ]

flow setup

Next, set up the flow.

$ yarn add -D babel-cli babel-preset-flow flow-bin
$ yarn flow init

Then, .flowconfigwill be generated, so edit it as follows.

. * / node_modules /. *
. * / Dist /. *
. * / Test /. *



deprecated-call-syntax = off

esproposal.decorators = ignore
module.name_mapper ='^ src \ / \ (. * \) $'->' <PROJECT_ROOT> / src / \ 1'
module.system = haste
all = false

ESLint setup

Include ESLint, a static analysis tool for code.

$ yarn add -D eslint
$ ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init

.eslintrc.json Edit the generated one as follows.

" extends ": " airbnb-base ",
" parserOptions ": {
" ecmaVersion ": 7 ,
" sourceType ": " module "
} ,
" parser ": " BBEL-eslint ",
" env ": {
" browser ": true ,
" es6 ": true
} ,
" plugins ": [ " flowtype " ] ,
" rules ": {
" flowtype / no-types-missing-file-annotation ": 1 ,
" max-len ": [ 2 , 100 , 4 , { " ignoreUrls ": true }]

Since the eslintrelated library was not installed at the time of initialization above , install it below.

$ yarn add -D babel-eslint eslint-plugin-flowtype eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-plugin-import

.eslintignore Create a file called, and specify what you want to exclude from ESLint.


If yarn eslint .you execute with this, the result of ESLint will be output. The error that appears here yarn eslint . --fixwill be corrected automatically .

Jest setup

$ yarn add -D jest
$ yarn add -D babel-jest babel-core

Launch Node.js with Webpack

At this point, you have everything you need to launch Node.js with Webpack.

package.json is as follows.

" main ": " ./dist/server.js ",
" Scripts ": {
" Start ": " Node ./Dist/server.Js ",
" flow ": " flow ",
" eslint ": " eslint. ",
" test ": " jest ",
" webpack-dev ": " webpack --config config / "
} ,
" dependencies ": {
" express ": " ^ 4.16.4 "
} ,
" devDependencies ": {
" babel-cli ": " ^ 6.26.0 ",
" Babell-core ": " ^ 6.26.3 ",
" babyl-eslint ": " ^ 10.0.1 ",
" Babell-jest ": " ^ 23.6.0 ",
" babyl-loader ": " 7 ",
" babyl-polyfill ": " ^ 6.26.0 ",
" Babell-preset-env ": " ^ 1.7.0 ",
" Babell-preset-es2015 ": " ^ 6.24.1 ",
" Babell-preset -flow ": " ^ 6.23.0 ",
" Babell-preset -stage-2 ": " ^ 6.24.1 ",
" Babell-regenerator-runtime ": " ^ 6.5.0 ",
" eslint ": " ^ 5.8.0 ",
" eslint-config-airbnb-base ": " ^ 13.1.0 ",
" eslint-plugin-flowtype ": " ^ 3.2.0 ",
" eslint-plugin-import ": " ^ 2.14.0 ",
" flow-babel-webpack-plugin ": " ^ 1.1.1 ",
" flow-bin ": " ^ 0.85.0 ",
" jest ": " ^ 23.6.0 ",
" webpack ": " ^ 4.25.1 ",
" webpack-cli ": " ^ 3.1.2 ",
" webpack-merge ": " ^ 4.1.4 ",
" webpack-node-externals ": " ^ 1.7.2 "

app.jsRewrite the first line as follows to make the contents created first correspond to ES6.

import express from 'express';

package.json Try executing the start command as shown in.

$ yarn webpack-dev
$ yarn start

Then, localhost:3000you can see that can be started.

Make the edited file reflect automatically

$ yarn add -D nodemon concurrently

After installing the required libraries, package.jsonadd the following line to:

"script": {
"dev": "concurrently \" NODE_ENV = development webpack -w --config config / \ "\" nodemon --watch ./dist/server.js \ ""

Success if the localhost starts below. :tada:

$ yarn dev

Please click here :point_right: for the source code .

